Introducing Style Spotlight: An original SSE Blog Series
Anyone in PR or marketing will tell you, a brand is so much more than the product. Beyond basic living essentials we are more likely to place value on products that have a significant meaning.
Brands are really about the people behind them and the story their products tell. Behind every brand we meet there's a really beautiful story. Sure, we're all here to make money but more than likely that's not what motivates you. Money is fleeting and it's not for sure- it comes and goes. There is a passion driving each brand that fuels its fire and motivates them to keep going even when the money isn't right. We want that story because that's what the people want to hear.
Every month we meet dope brands and we're ready to introduce the makers, designers, and hustlers behind those brands to the World. Our new blog series: Style Spotlight will show case answers to the questions we're asking about who the makers are, where they are from and what inspires them.
Makers come to SIP. SHOP. EAT! to sell, our guests come to find exclusive food, style and drinks and we're here to provide that platform for both. Keep your eyes peeled and your email inbox open for our weekly Style Spotlight!